Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Million and One Pictures of the Parker Kids

Good buddies are invaluable. Jordan Daines took these pics of my kiddies (and me, at my protest, just not the photogenic type). We miss our little South Pas now that we are here in Gilbert, AZ, but can I just say Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to a back yard, and a garage with MY OWN washer and dryer to revel in, and a culdesac where the kids play outside almost all day long, and cheap rent, and enough rooms that David doesn't have to nap in Jared's office where he wakes up every 15 min. You can't beat the weather in southern California, but again . . . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Anyway, here are the pics, by Jordan Daines, and for all my friends back in S.P., I would totally hire her, (hope you wanted a little advertising Jordan). It is HARD work to get any of my kids to cooperate in any manner whatsoever, and she managed to pull it off with all four.

Sorry, I like so many I couldn't decide which to post an posted a bunch of them.

Dallin, D.J., Deej, Deejamus Prime:

--Dallin makes me want to laugh. He has a contageous laugh, and is ideal to watch a good comedy with because his laugh makes it much funnier.

Afton, Aftie Tafties, Taffy:

--Afton makes me wonder. There are no boundaries for her imagination, and it's awesome to ask and find out where she is thinking at any random moment.

Lindsey, Lindsey Lu, Lu Lu, Lu Lu La:

--Lindsey makes me feel loved. I have to ask before I can kiss her. She usually grants my request, but she likes to specify where the kiss will occur. Sometimes on her nose, sometimes on her cheek, her arm, her knee, or wherever needs a kiss.

David, Davie, Davers, Schootch:

--David makes me feel popular. I've never had so many people, young and elderly, surrounding me as I did at church the other day, all of them gooing and gaaing at the little flirt.


jordan said...

oh shucks, Sarah, thanks!

Anonymous said...

So glad to see the pictures. Your folks have some good looking grandchildren! Give them all a hug for us.


The Proctor Group said...

Love love love the pictures. Your kids are adorable. I especially love the ones with David in the roots of that tree at the library (Paul often plays in those roots). Jordan is amazing. We miss you guys!

HAdams said...

Wow beautiful pictures! I can't believe how big your kids have gotten. I love Afton's hair!

HMichaelsen said...

What great pics of your cute kids! I can't believe how big Dallin & Afton look!

Anonymous said...

Howdy cousin. Cute kids make for cute pics. Gilbert, AZ? A friend and former neighbor lives there. BTW, I'm back at bloggin'.

Sarah Hull said...

I am so in love with those pictures! Your children are beautiful! I love the one of David in that tree and those sister ones are precious. Just darling!
We sure miss you guys and wish we could have bid you a formal farewell.. but I am SO glad you have a house with a backyard and a washer/dryer at your fingertips!
Let us know if you guys ever come to town. Bryant and I have a handful of friends in AZ. so we'll have to make a trip out soon.
Keep in touch when you can

Brenda B said...

Those are such great pictures!!

jhoopes said...

Sarah, those pictures are amazing! Of course, it helps that your kids are beautiful!! I tried to look at these a while ago, but they weren't coming up, so I'm glad I could see them now! How did you ever choose which ones to get?! And how FUN you are in Gilbert! There are a handful of ex-Walnut Creekers there and the Cowleys are not too far from there, too!

Frischknecht Fam said...

I concur--you have a darling family.

Kendy said...

Love the tree trunk pic. wish i could capture my children like that