Saturday, February 23, 2008

Super Fighter

"Aren't we going to make a movie tonight Dad?" asked Dallin.
"No, it's too late, and you need to get in bed" I replied. But then came the prodding from Sarah, "just make a quick one, he's been asking all day." Fortunately for me, Dallin didn't need any stunt training. All of this came very natural as he has been practicing for the part of "Super Fighter" for at least the past couple of years. In fact, he has been living as a Super Fighter for some time now. It was only a matter of time before he would hit the big screen. That time has come...


Anonymous said...

I love this video Jared. Dallin's vicious tough-guy expressions are totally getting him an Oscar.

Helen said...

You guys really really really crack me up! I can't wait to show this one to Briones :)

Anonymous said...

tonight are the Oscars. Look out world. Here comes the next "super" star. Kudos to the whole crew.

grandma erc

Debbie said...

This is so funny! I LOVE the flying scenes!

Sarah Hull said...

Bryant and I got to laughing so hard over this video!! We thought it was great!!! Dallin sure has some awesome super hero talents!!!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Dallin rocks.

jhoopes said...

IMPRESSIVE!! And great editing as well!! So fun to watch.